In the Beginning: The variety of spellings for what sounds like Siefkas is varied. There are documents here that indicate what one has to sift through to find just the right family … and even then one has to take a leap of faith. Do the family names match up, same number of children, reoccurring names are often a positive factor.
The Frank Siefkas family has been having reunions for over 100 years. Consecutive or not, I’m not sure but there is one photo on this site that qualifies for 100 years worth of reunions or family gatherings. And Lacelle is the focal point for this family. From life to death, the documents tell a story.
This website is just a reminder and fits in with today’s technology for “keeping in touch.” Without it one family had no idea that there were relatives to get to know and not just a few, but many. A whole Siefkas tree full.